This Picnic Mat is a good choice for outdoor camping, hiking and other leisure activities. With thick and waterproof material to keep dry, this picnic mat can be used either indoors or outdoors. It has an elastic band around the edge so it stays in place on your lawn or other surface. Hanging ropes make it easy to carry around with you.In addition to its function as a picnic mat, this foldable mat is also the best for traveling, and other outdoor activities Provide an insulation layer to keep you cool during hot days Allows moisture and air flow through the rectangular holes in the structure.
This picnic mat has these features:
Attractive Design: Our outdoor blanket is of creative red & white grids/yellow & white grids/color tripe/leaf design,which is fashion forward and sure to impress family & friends as you have lunch at a picnic
Waterproof & sandproof & dirt-resistant : picnic blanket is constructed with a waterproof backing in order to keep out moisture, for comfortable seating and easy clean-up.
Multi-usage: both used indoors and outdoors, perfect for picnics, camping, beach, ball games, park trips, outside concert, grass, backyard, room.
Easy to clean: just gently shake or wipe to remove dirt, wet grass, sand, and dirt. Washing Instructions: this outdoor blanket cannot be machine-cleaned or dry-cleaned.
Sit on this picnic mat and enjoy your outdoor activities. The waterproof fabric keeps you feeling dry without worry. Extra wide for additional comfort, and easy to clean up after. It is perfect for outdoor activities such as climbing and cycling, or just for lying around camp in the summertime!